Herpes Simplex Virus Study Sydney DH ABI
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Study
Darlinghurst Sydney
Are you managing recurrent genital herpes? We are seeking volunteers to participate in a clinical research study for an investigational medication that aims to suppress genital herpes and help reduce transmission to others.
What to expect
18 - 60 years old
29 days of treatment and 12 clinic visits across 144 days.
Eligible participants will be compensated for travel-related costs.
Eligibility Criteria
You may be eligible to participate if you:
The Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) is a chronic long-term condition that causes genital ulcers. It is widely prevalent, with an estimated 13.2% or 491.5 million people aged 15-49 years worldwide living with HSV-2.
HSV-2 can lie dormant in nerve cells and become active again with periodic viral shedding episodes that cause unpleasant recurrent symptoms in some people as well as the risk of transmission to sexual partners.
Current treatment with antiviral medication is only partially effective in preventing recurrences and transmission to others. There is need for more potent, long-acting antiviral therapy.
Momentum Clinical Research are conducting a clinical study for a potential long-acting oral antiviral medication that aims to suppress recurrent episodes of genital herpes.
Participants will receive 29 days of treatment and will come into the clinic for 12 appointments across 144 days.
Your contribution to this study will help evaluate the safety and tolerability of a potential new medication that may improve the lives of people in our communities that suffer from this chronic condition and protect the sexual health of others. Register now and find out if this study is right for you.
Apply now
Fill out your details, and our team will be in touch to discuss your potential involvement in this study and answer any questions you may have.
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