CureVac Covid-19 Booster
29augAll Day15octCureVac Covid-19 BoosterRecruitment Closed

Clinical Study Details
Staying up to date with our Covid-19 boosters remains crucial – especially with the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 strains which may evade the immunity generated by previous vaccinations. Here at AusTrials,
Clinical Study Details
Staying up to date with our Covid-19 boosters remains crucial – especially with the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 strains which may evade the immunity generated by previous vaccinations.
Here at AusTrials, we are testing an investigational mRNA Covid-19 booster, developed by GSK in partnership with CureVac, which intends to provide protection against the Omicron B.A 4-5 variant.
By joining this study, you could help contribute to the ongoing battle against Covid-19 by advancing the efficacy of vaccines.
You may be eligible for this study if you:
- Are aged 18 years or older.
- Received Pfizer or Moderna as your last Covid-19 vaccination.
Please note that your last Covid-19 vaccination must have been received 3 months ago or longer to be eligible.
The study is being conducted at the following locations:
- Taringa, QLD
- Wellers Hill, QLD
The study will involve 4 scheduled clinic visits and 1 follow up phone call over a 6-month period.
Eligible participants will be compensated for their time and travel costs.
Please contact AusTrials on 1300 190 841 for further information or follow the link below.
Use the links at the bottom of the page to share this study on social media or by email with friends or family who may be interested.
August 29 (Tuesday) - October 15 (Sunday)
Multiple Sites