Understanding Severe Asthma Management

Severe asthma is defined as asthma that remains uncontrolled with on-going symptoms despite maximal therapy and where other reasons have been addressed, such as improving adherence to treatment, addressing technique issues with inhaler use, decreasing triggers and other factors (e.g. smoking, weight management, chronic sinusitis).   It is thought that approximately 3% of asthmatics are…

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The Importance of Vaccination Against Meningococcal Disease

You may have seen a campaign last year by the name of “Know Meningococcal” (https://www.knowmeningococcal.com.au/). It is one of many websites that are trying to increase the community’s awareness of meningococcal disease and its potential consequences. Other sources of information are provided by health departments in each state, such as here in Queensland at conditions.health.qld.gov.au/HealthCondition/condition/14/33/95/meningococcal-disease.…

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AusTrials and Westside Haematology and Oncology Announce Clinical Trials Launch

AusTrials and Montserrat Day Hospitals are pleased to announce the formation of an alliance to deliver oncology and haematology trials to patients in the Brisbane area   Utilising the skillset of AusTrials’ research staff together with the specialists at the Westside Haematology and Oncology (WHO) enables these clinicians to become involved in new trials and patients to have more treatments options.    The WHO clinic, owned and operated by Montserrat Day Hospitals, specialises in the…

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